Work & Play Profile Series – Tricia Hayes

Tricia Hayes

Will reform enable our railways to perform again?
Antony Harvey, Director in our Central Government Practice, speaks to Tricia Hayes,
former Second Permanent Secretary at the Home Office and now a woman with
many strings to her bow! She gives her thoughts on her career to date and how the
transport sector will respond to the upcoming Rail Reform agenda

Read the full article HERE!





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Work & Play Profile Series – David Simpson

David Simpson

Getting the railways back on track
Andrew Fisher, Director in our Interim Transport and Infrastructure Practice,
chats to David Simpson, an experienced rail operations specialist about his
learnings over a career in the transport industry and what he thinks will come
next in the sector.

Read the full article HERE!





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Work & Play Profile Series – Mark Gray

Mark Gray

Getting a Lay of the Land
Mark Gray speaks to Antony Harvey, a Director in our Central Government
practice. Mark works for His Majesty’s Land Registry on a major project to
transform the technology and automation of the organisation.

Read the full article HERE!


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Work & Play Profile Series – Philip Heathcote

The right way, the wrong way and the railway!

Andrew Fisher, Director in our Interim Transport and Infrastructure Practice, speaks to Philip Heathcote, a highly
experienced and knowledgeable consultant about working in the rail sector, what he has learned over the years and
what he wants to see from the new government.

Read the full article HERE!





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Work & Play Profile Series – David O’Leary

A Refreshing Change? Andrew Fisher, Director in our Interim Transport and Infrastructure Practice, chats to David O’Leary (not the
football manager) about his career in the Railways and how the sector has transformed over the years.

Read the full article HERE!





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Veredus are proud to be the Executive Search Partner to Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S), we would like to share their June Newsletter.

We have a number of exciting senior leadership opportunities coming through across the Defence Enterprise including DE&S, SDA, Ploughshare and DNO.

Read the full article here!



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An interview: David Estyn-Jones – Interim Manager

From the Barracks to Civvy Street

Mike Faull, Director working in the Defence sector in our Interim practice, speaks to David Estyn-Jones about his experience of transitioning out of a successful military career and into the world of interim management. David has words of advice both for those seeking a career outside of the armed forces as well as for those looking to hire, and why ex-military personnel can prove to be invaluable to any organisation.

Read the full interview here!

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A thought piece: Interim versus Fixed Term Contract

Peter Keegan, an Associate Director in our Interim practice, considers the pros and cons of hiring an Interim Manager and those of bringing on temporary leadership on a fixed term contract.

Interim Management v Fixed Term Contract
Most employers bring in senior or executive contingent or temporary labour to meet the demands of various projects which can last anywhere from 3 and 24 months. Key reasons for doing so may be funding and/or headcount restrictions that may prevail at the time, the term of the programme of work or the need to provisionally cover a substantive role. Employers may consider offering a day-rate or a fixed-term contract to bring on this short-term support. If interim management rates appear unjustifiable a cost to the business, a fixed-term contract may seem like the most commercially beneficial and risk-free option but that’s not … Read More

The Importance of Internationalising Higher Education

Veredus welcomes the thoughts of Professor James Miller, Vice Chancellor at University of the West of Scotland, on the Internationalisation of Higher Education- the benefits it provides locally, nationally and internationally for students, staff, institutions and the communities they serve. This piece is particularly timely as James takes up the post of Universities Scotland’s International Committee Convener in the new academic year.

Click here to read the article.


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AI in Defence

Stephen Womersley, Director in the Defence, Nuclear, Infrastructure & Technologies practice at Veredus, speaks to Anthony Mensier, Chief Technology Officer at Disruptive Industries about how AI might inform the Defence and National Security ecosystem. Click here to read the article

To see the full interview and to find out if Anthony would trust a self-drive Tesla click here.

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